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Mini Tablet Notebook Holder

£2.50 - £4.99

The L.I Mini Tablet is designed to sit on your knee or be held allowing a solid writing surface for your notepad. There's nothing worse than having nothing to lean on to make notes or take down critical details!
This Mini Tablet is only larger than the flip over notebooks so it will still slip easily into your pocket or pack when you are done.

Want more?

Well add a velcro back and you have a place for patches, markers or to secure a strap to hold everything together.

Want Even More?

Run out of Notepads? Use a chinagraph pencil the same as we originally suggested on our kneeboard lights to take notes or write down important details. Its the EDC essential that works the way you do!

Approx 3" x 4" In Black
White layer is a protective plastic you remove once its arrives


  • L.I Mini Tablet (Board Only) 67%
  • L.I Mini Tablet Light 100%
  • Velcro Back Panel 33%
  • Retaining Strap 100%